Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

Most Admired Company

Indonesia – PT Bayer Indonesia has once again been named the Most Admired Company in the category of Pharmaceuticals (including Consumer Care).

This is the fifth year that Bayer has won the Most Admired Company award. Bayer has come up tops based on an independent survey done by Business Week Indonesia and Frontier Consulting Group.

Mr Hans-Josef Schill, President Director of PT Bayer Indonesia said, “This Award firmly shows the confidence the public has for Bayer in Indonesia. I am very proud of my team here in PT Bayer Indonesia.”

The survey was participated by some 1,550 journalists, investors, middle and upper level executives as well as members of the public who ranked Bayer based on 10 reputation criteria reflecting quality, performance, responsiveness and attractiveness aspects.

The official awarding night will be held in June. Congratulations to PT Bayer Indonesia!

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